Dear Mustangs, teachers, family, and friends,
Welcome to the website of Moon, Mars, and ISS!
In Moon, Mars, and ISS (International Space Station), students will join NASA, form Space Flight Centers and plan manned missions to the Moon, Mars and the ISS. They will also learn about the solar system and the universe. Student Space Flight Centers will prepare a final project such as a poster, game, science fiction story, or skit, about the destination that they choose. The best student projects will be exhibited at the San Diego Aerospace Museum in late June.
Mustangs: In the student section you will find a detailed description of the Moon, Mars, and ISS Program. You will also find all your assignments for the entire program. You can review them ahead of time to know what to expect and after the lesson, if you need another copy of the class handouts. You will also be asked to do assignments for which you will use articles that are posted on the web.
Ms. Mills, Mr. Preston, and Mr. Green: In the teacher section you will find an Activity-by-Activity outline of the entire program. Also included are all program handouts such as lesson plans, material lists, student handouts, evaluation sheets, etc.
Family and friends: We invite you to check out both the student and teacher sections and become an active partner in the adventure that the students will be embarking on in the coming month.
We hope you will enjoy using this website. We appreciate receiving feedback from all users and will try to reply quickly.
The Nu-Edu Team